Friday, September 30, 2016

On The Spot Employee Recognition

There is no question that employee recognition is important for your company’s long term success.  This is emphasized in study after study in employee engagement strategies. 

It is a puzzle why there are still many companies that just don’t recognize employees as well as they should, or at all!
Do your front line and middle managers recognize and thank employees often, sometimes, not at all? Are you making it easy for them to do just that?

According to SHRM Resource Management:

 Spot awards—given immediately upon witnessing outstanding employee performance—are a powerful motivator for desired behavior, just as predicted by the classic operant conditioning model.”

Our On the Spot card was developed for just that situation.  It is extremely easy to use, cost effective and is guaranteed to give your employees the recognition award they really want.

For a flyer that will highlight several features and benefits of the On the Spot please click here.

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services or other white papers please contact us at

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