Saturday, December 3, 2016

Your Employees Make a Difference!

Shouldn’t the main focus of management be to maintain a work environment that keeps your employees coming back every morning?  Do you believe that the way you treat your employees is also your instruction to them on how to treat your customers?  As Richard Branson once said…

”It’s all about people, people, people!
No matter what industry a company is in,
its employees are its biggest competitive advantage.”

Ultimately successful companies not only know that their employees matter, they act on that principle in very simple ways:

They Know That Every Job is Relevent

If you can’t explain why each job matters, you probably shouldn’t have it in the first place. 
And you need to know how to explain how each job function contributes to the success of the company as a whole

Make Sure Each Employee Knows Why Their Job Is Significant
It’s the job of management to explain to everyone why their job matters and how it impacts the business. Connect the dots for them; make it easy for them to understand their company from the top of the organization to the outside customer.

When Employees Know Their Job Matters, They Do a Better Job. 

It’s difficult to pick up a magazine about human resources and not see an article about the importance of employee engagement.  Employees often become engaged simply when they know how important their performance is to the success of the company 

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