Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Can Positive Feedback Turn into an Entitlement?

Some might say that everyone expects positive feedback these days when it comes to positive performance.  The positive feedback provided at work happens during the normal course of the day. It can become habitual and often provide with little meaning.     
It’s on the fly managing – when you see something positive, you say it. Oftentimes that positive feedback loop becomes an entitlement.  It’s expected…and it’s never given proper consideration by either you or the recipient.

As a performance manager there are a couple things to consider: 

·       Do you provide positive feedback on the fly?
·       Are you managing for improvement and challenging those that need to be challenged?
·       Do you need to make positive feedback more formal on a periodic basis?
·       If you sense that there are concerns when you push for results, do you need to take that managing to a more private place?  
·       Are you modifying your coaching plan with the personality of the target in mind?  

Positive feedback can quickly become an entitlement if you do it on the fly.  It is easier to manage and challenge people if we do a better job of getting credit for all the positive feedback that occurs.  

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