Tuesday, November 7, 2017

How to Activate the Four Human Drives in a Recognition & Rewards System

According to Professors Nohria and Lawrence from Harvard Business School we are all motivated and guided by four drives: acquiring, bonding, learning, and defending. In a recent paper from the Incentive Research Federation, they discussed how you can activate these drives within a well-designed reward and recognition system. 

Some of the ways include:

Drive to Acquire

  • Set clear with well-defined rewards for achieving them
  • Train managers to recognize and reward positive behaviors aligned to performance
  • Set high, yet realistic targets broken into sub-groups with awards for results
  • Measure performance toward objectives and communicate progress to participants.
  • Make recognition public where appropriate
  • Provide rewards as close to achievement as possible
  • Use spontaneous recognition spontaneous which is personal and heartfelt   
  • Provide down time after long periods of extensive effort to achieve a goal
  • Provide tangible rewards to supplement intangible recognition
  • Provide group goals and celebrations
Drive to Bond

- Have employees create online profiles that are socially available for all to see
- Create randomized dyads of employees encouraging mutual-mentoring
- Ensure each instance of reward and recognition has a face-to-face element

Drive to Innovate

- Give all employees at least a small amount of time to innovate within their sphere of knowledge
- Ensure each instance of reward or recognition reinforces valued behavior 
- Encourage managers to have an “open door” to hear new ideas
Continue to encourage employees when an idea does not come to fruition

Drive to Defend

- Maintain openness and transparency in all communications regarding determination of all organizational incentive and rewards
- Gather employee input on incentive, reward, and recognition efforts to ensure they are perceived as fair
- Remind employees often of their importance to the organization’s mission

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