Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Simplify Sales Recognition!

The best approach to sales recognition is almost always the simplest one.  The award industry offers a vast array of awards and recognition systems from which to choose and for whatever reason sales management rarely starts their investigation of how to recognize sales people using the KISS principle.  They often choose the most complex way of handling an issue that should fundamentally be very easy and straightforward.  And in the process they commit large budget dollars to the administration of these systems, essentially taking those dollars away from getting to where they will do the most good….the salespeople themselves. 

When you think about it, recognizing sales performance should be a simple (and happy) thing to do.  But for some reason everyone wants to complicate it.

Over the years, the reward companies have dreamed up elaborate schemes to sell their awards, often priced substantially over retail.  But are these elaborate systems what you really need?  We’ve seen countless numbers of them that have feature after costly feature that are rarely used.  One of these features is a training program to teach your management how to recognize employees.  Frankly it’s a shame that has to be done.  Every sales manager should have at least the ability to thank someone for doing a good job. 

To begin, throw out the complicated stuff and just tell your managers to simply recognize salespeople for doing a good job whenever and wherever possible.  Measure the managers to make sure it gets done, and give them a budget to do it.

If you think you need to give a tangible award for sales performance there are a lot to choose from.  Having managed salespeople for years, our feeling is to let them choose the award they want. 

If you want a good one with terrific flexibility and value, we’d be happy to send you samples of two high value, low cost and easiest to implement systems in the industry.

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services contact us at Ultimatechoiceinfo@cox.net