Friday, November 18, 2016

Reward Managers and Have More Engaged Employees

Managers and supervisors are essential players in any type of employee reward and recognition plan.  In fact a study conducted by Dale Carnegie Training few years ago showed that an employee’s relationship with their direct supervisor is one of the top drivers of employee engagement.

However, it is our experience that while many corporations today have a reward and recognition program in place to recognize the achievements of employees, too few have specific initiatives in place to reward managers for how well they manage and support the recognition system all together.

As supervisors and managers are often involved in the design, implementation performance metrics, measurement and feedback of the programs, they can be reluctant to insert themselves in the reward phase, but that can be counter-productive.
They should be involved, they need to recognized for how engaged they are.  Their enthusiasm will spread to their employees.
  • Train them so they understand not only how to explain the program to their reports but
    to be excited about its success. 
  • Specifically define management engagement and include it as a goal for each manage
  • Develop specific performance metrics that encourage managers to encourage engagement
  • Give them the authority to make decisions and set the direction of their areas of responsibility
  • Be available as a sounding board to help them determine the right course of action.
  • Formally reward them with tangible program awards and with greater responsibility when appropriate
Formally recognizing managers or supervisors sends a strong message that giving proper credit and recognition is not a task reserved for a select few, but something the organization values from the top down.

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