Whitepapers & Research & Comparisons

Over many years  of implementing recognition and incentive systems for hundreds of clients across many diverse industries, we have written and/or collected whitepapers that address various subjects that might be of interest.  Most of them discuss the specific areas within recognition and incentives, communication, budgeting, philosophy or administration of these award programs,   Here are some of these papers.  We update, add or delete, papers to this collection often.

Cash v Non-Cash Awards - Which is Best?

Why Incentives and Recognition Programs Fail?

Kiss Recognition - Keep It Simple

The True Cost of Incentive & Recognition Merchandise Awards

The Value of Online Incentive & Recognition Programs 

The Power of Award Choice

Close the Loop for Employee Performance Improvement

Recognition is the Heart of Employee Engagement

Let Them Have the Award They Want

Are Traditional Merchandise Awards Overpriced?

What Motivates Best?  Incentives v. Recognition v. Contests

Would You Go to a Foot Doctor for a Heart Problem?

On the Spot:  Employee Peer to Peer Recognition 

The Employee Engagement Story