Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Compare Cash or Non Cash as Employee Awards

Many people in the incentive industry will say that cash as an award doesn’t motivate as well as non-cash.  Frankly to say that cash doesn’t motivate is disingenuous. It is innately tied to our perceptions of reward as a universal motivator in this country.   It is easy to use, easy to distribute, and fulfills many of the needs that people have.  In difficult economic times it can certainly be very motivating. 

However, there are two sides to using cash as a motivator, and to understand when to use cash and when to use alternative awards requires an understanding of both sides.

Over the years we have spent a great deal of time researching cash and non cash as an employee or sales award and have come up with at least eight reasons why non cash may be a better choice when attempting to motivate and award employees. 

All too often when faced with the choice of choosing an award in a program designed to change behavior, the planners immediately go to cash thinking that it is the best way.  There are times, especially when the objective is to increase sales performance, when cash may not be the best award and in fact may not motivate at all.  In the least, research has shown that it takes 3 times more cash than other rewards to receive the same results.  That reason alone may be sufficient to investigate other reward options.

For a systematic and thorough review of the features and benefits of cash and non cash please click here.

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