Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Why Gift Cards are More Compelling than Cash as Employee Awards


Executive responses to a recent Incentive Federation study on employee incentives showed that merchandise and travel are more compelling than cash as employee awards.  And specifically in the merchandise category gift cards were the most popular awards. 

The reasons most incentive planners feel why gift cards are more effective were listed as:

1. Trophy value: Gift card purchases are more memorable – they create a lasting reminder of achievement.

2. Viral value: Employees tell each other how they redeemed gift cards.

3. More discrete: It’s polite to mention non-cash awards.

4. True gift perception: Gift cards are not viewed as part of compensation.

5. Universal benefits: Gift cards combine the benefits of merchandise with the benefits of cash.

6. Guilt-free spending: Recipients don’t feel guilty treating themselves.

7. More likely to improve work performance: Studies show that cash doesn’t improve work performance – gift cards do.

8. Family support: Because the participant’s family is involved in selecting awards – they’re more likely to support the participant’s goals.

9. Pleasing loved ones: There is a strong motivation to earn an award for one’s significant other

10. Long-term positive feelings toward organization: Gift cards reinforce positive associations with sponsoring organizations.

To review the entire research click here.