Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Reward Items of No Value Get Thrown Away

This Delbert cartoon Adams raises a very appropriate discussion regarding employee recognition awards.  It is a debate that has been going on for years and years, and no doubt will continue for years and years.   

Why?  Because if you were to draw a straight line continuum to depict the awards industry, advertising specialty items would be on one end of the spectrum and strategic full service employee incentive and recognition programs that included research, training, communications, feedback, awards and analysis would be at the other.

The debate arises anywhere along that line where the advertising specialist sales folks think they carry the type of products that are appropriate as awards.  And they could be right, some of their items could be appropriate.  But unfortunately most don’t, and actually if you prefer to give your award winner a choice of what they can receive, many would choose another award.  But often clients don’t really want to give a choice.  They’ve chosen the item because it fits their need to communicate something; the theme, the company, the outcomes, the goals etc. 

So, when considering awards for your incentive or recognition program, think about this cartoon.  Will the items you choose eventually be thrown away and considered as something with little or no value?  Will they be relegated to the bottom desk drawer or the closet?  What are you trying to accomplish; motivate increased performance or simply communicate something. 

When your award backfires and your employees see relatively little value in it, it can do more harm than good.  Remember, the award categories termed advertising specialties do just that.  They advertise something. 

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