Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Study Highlights Opportunities in Employee Recognition Programs

According to a study conducted by Maritiz Motivation Solutions Employee recognition programs are effective -- but many miss out on opportunities to be even more effective.

Based on an online survey of 117 companies with more than 1,000 employees, the "Culture Next Employee Engagement and Benchmarking Study" found a majority of companies (80 percent) believe their employee recognition programs are at least "moderately effective" in driving employee engagement, and nearly a quarter (22 percent) believe their programs are "very effective."

Here are a few facts uncovered by the survey:

• Seventy-eight percent of companies have a documented employee engagement strategy

• Sixty percent of companies fund at least four to six different types of recognition programs, the most common types being service anniversary, above-and-beyond performance, and employee referral programs

• More than half of companies offer formal manager training on how to use recognition programs effectively

• Sixty percent share recognition-related communications at least monthly

Communication has always been at the heart of a successful recognition program.  Your employees want to know what’s going on, how they can earn more recognition and what the program is doing for the organization.

Those surveyed in the “very effective” category:

·       communicate about recognition daily or weekly
·       offer more program training
·       have higher budgets, devoting 0.76% more of total payroll than average companies

Most of the companies said that budget is the "greatest inhibitor to success," while those in the "very effective" category cited manager participation as well.

To make your recognition program more successful then, you need to have a strategy, a documented plan, a way to measure success and sufficient budget to motivate, frequent communications and effective manager training.

Lastly, have a technology platform or social engagement component or you are missing an enormous opportunity to connect with millennials and Gen Z, who will be the workforce majority in the next few years.

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