Saturday, October 23, 2021

What are the Most Important Drivers of Employee Performance?


10-24-21 What are the Most Important Drivers of Employee Performance?

 Recent research by the Cicero Group, a premier management consulting firm focused on implementing data-driven strategies for a broad mix of organizations across the globe, indicates that employee recognition is a driver of employee performance.

 We have seen similar research on the same subject for years, and frankly while the %’s of what the top drivers are always a little different…, the categories are much the same. 

Employee recognition is virtually always in the top third of drivers.  Why?  Because it works.  All companies seem to understand this, but their approach to how to implement these efforts differ widely from place to place.  

The Cicero research demonstrated that  one of the most effective ways to increase engagement is simply to recognize employees for their performance, in both formal and informal ways.

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