Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Recognize Employees at More All Levels of Performance

Superstars will always be superstars.  That’s what they do, that’s what they have done, and that’s what they will continue to do.  And your superstars will always be the ones who get the recognition, who get the awards, who get the promotions.  And frankly that’s as it should be.

But we keep hearing from managers and employees alike, that there’s a whole group of just regular performers out there who rarely if ever get any of recognition or appreciation at work.  We see that all the time in employee surveys that say that lack of recognition and appreciation are top reasons why people leave their company and search for a new career.

It’s unfortunate, but while managers know this exists they are either reluctant or uncommitted to find a way to recognize performance at all levels.  It’s easy to reward someone who hit the cover off the ball, but what do you do with the consistent faithful workers who are there day after day just doing their job?  They probably represent the middle 70-80% of your workforce that is called just “regular” employees.  They are the hard working people you can’t do without.  They are the ones who quietly slip out the back door for another company who will respect them more than you do.  They are the backbone of your company.

Unlike superstars, there might not be any standout performance or above and beyond behaviors in this group, but we all know that nothing would get done without them.  And it’s precisely because they don’t produce standout exceptional work that they are ignored, and if you are implementing a recognition program based on the above and beyond, these will never be winners.

Do you know what it’s like to go through you work life and not be recognized? 

In any well planned recognition system you must be careful to not just recognize the superstars.  A great way to accomplish that is to apportion some of your recognition budget for a peer to peer program and let your employees recognize themselves.  You may be surprised who they find to reward, and as easily surprised at the reasons for the award. 

The United States has a long and proud history of our men and women in the military.  Did you know that the vast majority of the recipients of the Medal of Honor were not the standouts, not the he superstars, not the leading officers of their time?  They came from the “regular army, navy air force and marines.”  They were just the middle of the pack that did extraordinary things at extraordinary times.  We often term the majority of our employees as “regulars.”  Is it time to see them in a different light?

These are the people who are trained and focused on doing the right thing and they do it day in and day out.  These truly deserve your appreciation.  Don’t forget them when you plan your next recognition campaign. 

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