Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Create an Attitude of Gratitude

We have written about thanking employees many times over the years, simply because it is the easiest method we can all use to start the process of building and maintaining an engaged workforce.  When you are cognizant of all the things going on around you and observant for opportunities to thank someone for their efforts, it’s hard to be negative or critical or uncivil.  Our brains aren’t wired that way.
Earlier in the year we came across an article entitled “39 Employee Recognition & Appreciation Ideas" by SnackNation, a company that supplies healthy snacks to businesses as a benefit for their employees. I won’t list them all here, you can check the article out for yourself, but wanted to list a few of the ones that we have used or seen used by our clients…..ones that are easy to integrate into your company…ones that have had great effect and helped to build positive cultures:
  • Initiate a peer to peer program encouraging your employees to recognize one another.  Get some “Thank You” note pads to use to reinforce it. 
  • Personally ask your employees what kinds of recognition they’d like
  • Do shout outs on social media
  • Recognize your team or individuals by highlighting those performances that directly impact your company mission
  • Dedicate a section of your website to your employees
  • Encourage customers to thank employees for great customer service
  • Celebrate more - highlight employees who have made a spectacular effort
  • Try random acts of fun – hold company themed adventures
  • Don’t always focus on group performance, make sure to recognize personal success or celebrate personal talent
  • Take time to know your staff, learn something about them and their family
  • Recognize the value of helping others – let staff select community service ideas
  • Go visit – give your employees facetime with you
Creating an “Attitude of Gratitude” can be the most rewarding thing you can do as management.  It’s not necessarily costly, and can bring enormous dividends, but it should be a full time job.  If incivility, lack of respect or appreciation is an issue at your company, just remember that it is very hard to be negative or critical when you’re looking for ways to thank someone.

Test yourself and your own culture.  At the end of the workday ask yourself how many times you gave sincere thanks to someone in your organization, and conversely how many times it happened to you?

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services that can help you thank your employees, contact us at Ultimatechoiceinfo@cox.net

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