Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Do These Things For Better Employee Recognition Programs

We have been associated with the HR industry for years and years, interact with HR professionals daily, and been involved in countless planning sessions for employee recognition with HR teams. We see every day what’s working in the workplace and what’s not, especially from the standpoint of employee recognition, improvement and performance.  We offer the following five practices you should consider stopping now so you can focus your energy and resources elsewhere and have a better employee recognition solution. These all boil down to essentially stop over-complicating things.

Eliminate Difficult to Operate Programs:  You design and implement programs that you want employees to love and want to use, it shows you care about them.  Don’t ake it so difficult to use them that they perceive it as punitive. 

Stop Adding Apps on Apps:  Different technologies come across your desk daily. From our standpoint, we see the “new” and “best” and “most featured” employee recognition platforms introduced all the time.  Every supplier is vying for a piece of the recognition budget and will develop the ‘end all and be all’ of recognition platforms to get yours. Stop cobbling them together putting one on top of the other.  In recognition, the simplest is usually the best.  Truth be known, probably only about 10% of the available features built into all recognition platforms are ever used. 

Shun Superficial Recognition:  It’s time to get rid of recognition awards that most employees don’t want. Train supervisors to find out what they do want and give them of choice of things that they consider important to them.  Garage sales are loaded with the trinkets and trash of the past.  What may have motivated their parents and grandparents don’t motivate the employees of today. 

Throw Away Employee Surveys:  Ask quick and short questions and listen more frequently and then implement steps or technologies that drive the action.

Blow Up Silos:  With the proliferation of digital technologies it is expected and necessary for all systems to interact.  Recognition across departments and peer to peer recognition are excellent ways to help decrease the problems with silos. 

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services or other white papers please contact us at Ultimatechoiceinfo@cox.net

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