Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Do You Measure the Effectiveness of Your Recognition Program?

It still amazes us that many companies invest millions on employee recognition programs, yet a huge percentage fail to measure the effectiveness of these programs. 

With the added emphasis lately on importance of employee recognition in an overall employee engagement effort, analysis and measurement should be a given…but it isn’t.

When you effectively measure the outcomes of your recognition programs you stand to benefit tremendously, as recognition efforts are increasingly being viewed as a powerful strategy to boost employee morale and productivity levels.  Higher engaged employees have higher productivity and lower turnover. 

If you are not measuring your recognition efforts, here are five basic to start with:

1. Determine the Metrics of Recognition Success - The success of any program requires a clear understanding of what defines success prior to program launch.

2. Establish a Performance Baseline for Recognition - Once the metrics for success have been established, the next critical step is to determine a baseline of current performance.

3. Measure Regularly and Consistently - After the baseline has been established, the program should be measured regularly and consistently to ensure the effort stays on target.

4. Analyze Results and Look for Trends - When recognition outcomes are available through the program itself and from employee surveys, the results need to be compared and analyzed to uncover important trends. 

5. Report Results Back to Employees, Managers and Executives in a Meaningful Way - Significant results should be reported back to key audiences, including employees, managers and executives with outcomes that are most meaningful to each audience.

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services or other white papers please contact us at Ultimatechoiceinfo@cox.net

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