Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Harnessing the Power of Performance Management

According to a recent study by McKinsey Global Survey, performance management systems can be successful but only when executed properly.  Analysis indicates that the key to reaping business success is to establish a system that both employees and managers perceive as fair.  To ensure that fairness the managers need to master three critical practices:

1.     Linking individual employee goals as closely as possible to business goals and priorities

2.     Coaching effectively

3.     Effectively differentiate compensation across all levels of performance.

Linking performance goals to business priorities

The study shows that linking individual employees’ performance goals to business priorities, not only correlates with a higher level of perceived fairness but also helps companies achieve their strategic goals. Where employees’ goals are linked to business priorities, 46% of respondents report effective performance management, compared with 16% at companies that don’t follow this practice.

Manager coaching

Analysis indicates not only that effective coaching is the strongest driver of perceived fairness but also that there is a direct relationship between effective managers and the effectiveness of a company’s performance-management system. Unfortunately only 30% of all respondents reported they had effective management coaching. 

Differentiating compensation

Less than half of all respondents agree that compensation in their company is meaningfully different across levels of performance.  The results also suggest that effective performance management is more likely when organizations separate compensation conversations from formal evaluations.

Many performance improvement systems are under stress because employees harbor doubts that these core elements are equitable.  To improve your performance improvement efforts, these doubts need to be eliminated.

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