Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Thank You Chain - Start Small, End Big

I heard an allegory a while back about a man who wanted to develop a more generous approach to life.  He asked an Indian swami man how to proceed.  The swami’s advice was simple:

“Take $100 and give it away. Not all at once but, slowly, $1 a day for 100 days.
Look for someone who could use a $1 and give it away.”

At the end of 100 days, the man’s heart had changed. His awareness of those in need became sharper. He saw the need around him. He fulfilled it. His giving heart became bigger. $1 became $5 as he saw more need and sorted out how much more the gift did than it accomplished in his pocket. $100 over 100 days created a generous heart forever changed.

While this could be a story about generosity, it isn’t. It’s a story about developing any virtue you want. Healthier life styles? Fitness? Smoking cessation? Money anagement?
You name it. Start small. Do it again tomorrow, and the day after that and you’ll be amazed at the change.

I’ve never met a person in HR who wasn’t interested in employee recognition.  Hundreds of books are written on the subject, and billions of dollars spent on research, software, training, communications and rewards to make it a part of your organization. 

What if you applied the principle of the story above?  What if you got one person to say thank you to a fellow employee for their performance, and then two, and the two thanked two more and so forth?  And they did it again tomorrow and the day after that.  You would be amazed at the Thank You Chain that permeates your workplace…and it didn’t cost you a dime!
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