Tuesday, December 26, 2017

What Motivates Best in the Workplace?

For years we have followed LinkedIn discussions from a variety of groups such as the Harvard Business Review, HR Professionals Worldwide and LinkedIn HR.  There are a tremendous number of knowledgeable HR professionals on these sites and subjects and discussion topics that can keep you involved for hours. 

“What Motivates Best in the Workplace” is a topic from a while back that brought responses from HR professionals from literally from every corner of the world.  We often see the employee engagement we deal with on a daily basis as particular only to our own culture, but they are not.  Everyone has to deal with them to one degree or another.  What is interesting is that there is a lot of commonality in the answers, regardless of the cultures. 

The topic question above added some subtext to it to stimulate the responses.  This subtext included:  “Is it money, personal ambition, team, leadership, all of the above? When faced with a demotivated workforce, what common thing among people consistently brings out the best in us all?”

If you would like to read the string of responses from places like Saudi Arabia or India, please click here.  We think you will find it interesting

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