Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Kick Up Your Employee Recognition a Notch

Employee recognition is now a cornerstone of successful companies. Tons of books have been written about it, major events are created for it, and executives have embraced it like never before. In the last thirty years or so, formal employee recognition using non-cash rewards has taken on a completely new understanding within human resources.  The days of the simple gold watch have been replaced by some very elaborate systems.

But employee recognition is not a new found business tool; it’s been around for a while.  Here’s an interesting quote about it:

“In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall 

to those who show their good qualities in action”

…  circa 350 BC…Aristotle

But like so many other things in business, recognition can get a little tired and worn and lose some of its punch.  Unfortunately it can also be limited in some organizations where employees can complain about the lack of recognition on a regular basis and managers say “why should I recognize or thank someone, they’re just doing their job.”

Those of us who prioritize employee recognition understand the power of recognition.  We know it’s not just a nice to have, it is a must have.  It reinforces the most important outcomes you want for your business.

If your recognition is becoming worn and tired, consider kicking it up a notch and try some of the following today:

  • Plan to thank at least one person a day
  • Take a small working group for a cup of coffee or lunch
  • Handwrite a simple thank you note and give it to a worthy employee
  • Ask and executive to stop by a person’s or department work space and thank them
  • Accompany the verbal recognition with a small gift or gift card
  • Present the recognition publicly if appropriate (be careful as some employees can feel uncomfortable with this type of recognition)
  • Make your recognition random so that it provides an element of surprise
And remember what Dale Carnegie said:

"People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards."

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services or other white papers please contact us at Ultimatechoiceinfo@cox.net

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