Friday, November 4, 2016

Unspent Recognition Budgets Don't Improve Performance.

You don't have to throw your remaining 2016 recognition budget down the drain.  Here's how you can use it in 2017.

If you have incentive dollars that are as yet unspent, be sure to use them! Often unspent funds can be “found” by the budget police looking for ways to cut back next year. So adopt a “use it or lose it” attitude and protect your employees from missing out on recognition and reward resources. Anticipate future needs and use those dollars to secure awards that will neither expire, decline in value, nor become outdated. 

When your first 2017 recognition event rolls around, you’ll be happy you did. If your organization is mandating budget cuts and perhaps suggesting that recognition is one of the “best” areas to reduce or eliminate, do not allow your reward and incentive programs to fall prey to those cuts! 

Statistics gathered from an actual program with a life-cycle of 10 years reflect that engaged employees will perform better in ANY market condition. In an up market, a recognition and incentive program will help exceed performance; and in a flat market, a reward program will help you maintain your performance. In a down market, taking care of your employees helps you protect your position and lets your key stakeholders know that you are grateful to them for sticking it out during the rough ride. 

At Ultimate Choice, we can suggest ways to ECONOMICALLY recognize and engage employees with our gift cards solutions that do not expire or decline in value. As always, we impose no program or per card fees, no expiration, and no minimums. Each employee gets his CHOICE of what is personally most enjoyable, meaningful and engaging.

For more information on Ultimate Choice Inc.’s products or services or other white papers please contact us at

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