Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Drive Wellness with Consistent Recognition Awards


At the beginning of every year, wellness is a top resolution for many folks.  In fact, research has shown that losing weight and becoming fit are the most common resolutions made for the New Year.  

Changing to a healthy lifestyle is a behavior issue, and a tough one at that.  It’s difficult to start and even more difficult to maintain changing to a healthy lifestyle.  The gyms are full in January and February and by the end of April, back to their normal levels.  It’s natural for people to stop doing what they don’t want to do without some positive reinforcement along the way.  

As many companies have done, consider using consistent and continuous reinforcement along the way.  Minimal gift card awards are idea to promote wellness efforts and keep people involved.  The economic benefits of a long term healthy lifestyle far outweigh the small cost necessary to keep an employee motivated to achieve success. 

We have several award systems available that are easy to implement and administer.  One may be just the one for you. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Gift Cards Can be Used to Achieve Various Corporate Objectives.


Gift cards are used to attain many corporate objectives According to ongoing research done by the Incentive Research Foundation, following is a list of the main reasons given by companies using gift cards



Primary Objectives for Using

Gift Cards


Ave. % of Responses

Recognize individual or team performance


Boost morale


Increase or maintain sales


Build employee loyalty/trust


Build customer loyalty/trust


Improve customer service


Foster teamwork


Improve safety/reduce accidents


Start/maintain business relationships


Improve employee health/reduce insurance costs


Create new markets






If you want a truly successful recognition or incentive program, be award neutral in your decision of what awards to use in your program.  When you provide the awards that your people want, they work harder to achieve your objectives in order to attain them.